
UiTM Foundation Life.

03:29 Ramyuan 2 Comments

Previous post all English then I suddenly think most students will find themselves lazy to read anything English. Blergh. Then I will go with Malay in here.

Note: post ni mungkin berguna untuk students asasi Sains dan Kejuruteraan sahaja (mostly Sains!). Untuk students Law and Tesl, mungkin ada sikit2 yang korang boleh baca, tapi mostly tak berguna untuk korang.

So, aku punya first sem dulu kat Puncak Alam. Tapi aku takyah cerita la kan sebab nanti korang masuk asasi dah tak pergi sana. Korang akan terus ke Dengkil. Aku punya batch duduk Palam sebab kampus Dengkil masa tu tersangatlah baru and kitorang adalah the first batch! Semua baru wah lucky kan. Bed, locker, meja korang semua kitorang dah rasmi dulu. HAHAHA.

Ok enough. Mana nak start eh..

Basic knowledge of UiTM rules, hari Isnin korang kena pakai formal. Means kemeja and tie for boys. Kemeja tu kena tucked in. For girls, just simply baju kurung. No seluar or jeans. Kad matrik kena pakai ok, setiap hari. Walaupun ramai students yang pemalas nak pakai kad matrik (aku budak rajin, hari2 pakai kad matrik tu. Lawa apa. Ada feels seorang student. Semangat berkobar kobar nak belajar. HAHAHA.) Kalau korang lucky enough, maka selamat lah korang. Jangan bagi polis bantuan nampak korang tak pakai kad matrik. Diorang ada hak nak saman korang. Tak pasal2 melayang duit. Padahal duit tu boleh guna belanja kawan makan kan. HAHA. 

Ok pasal lecture notes. Benda ni tak wajib. Aku dah tulis pasal ni kat prev post tapi kalau korang tak baca, aku akan tulis lagi kat sini. Lecturer tak akan marah pun korang tak bawak lecture note tu masa kelas. Cuma susah ah kan korang nak catat apa2 nota penting yang lecturer bagitau masa kelas. Then, nanti nak study untuk quiz, test, exam, kalau ada lecture note kan senang nak study. Ke korang nak study buku kalau dah last minute? Elehh. Acah je. HAHA. Kalau korang nak study masa lain, boleh rujuk buku malah digalakkan. Tapi lecture note tu penting gak. Lecture note tu sebagai ringkasan apa yang korang belajar. Ye la, buku kan panjang berjela ayat dia. Lagipun, tak semua yang dalam buku tu masuk silibus. 

Etika pakaian, seriously jangan pakai ketat2 sangat. Korang nak gi belajar kan? Buat apa nak tayang body kat orang. Pakai blouse ok, t-shirt pun ok, pakai dengan jeans or skirt labuh pun ok, apa2 ok asalkan jangan menjolok mata. Boys pun, nak pakai kemeja ke tshirt tak kisah. Asalkan kena berkolar. Again, polis bantuan ada hak nak saman korang kalau korang melanggar etika pemakaian.

Cara hidup di kelas? 

Korang dah tak macam zaman sekolah, ada tempat duduk tetap. Cop tempat awal tahun, kekal hingga ke akhirnya. TAK. Setiap kali masuk kelas, kena berebut tempat. Kalau korang nak duduk depanla. Lagi depan lagi bagus. Senang je korang nak fokus and ilmu tu nak masuk kepala korang. Duduk belakang seksa weh, takleh nak fokus, mengantuk lagi. Entah apa yang lecturer cakap kat depan tu.

Kelas ada dua jenis, satu dalam dewan kuliah satu dalam ....kelas biasa. Ada kelas yang akan dijadualkan kat dewan kuliah yang kerusi bertingkat tingkat tu. (Kelas aku takde jadual kat situ so tak dapat nak merasa belajar dalam tu. Tapi pernah la rasa kat Palam dulu.) Ada yang kat kelas biasa je, lantai rata macam kelas zaman sekolah dulu. 

Tapi kelas biasa lantai rata ni pun ada dua jenis lagi. Ada yang jenis besar dimana korang akan ada kelas kuliah kat sini. Satu kuliah terdiri daripada dua kelas. Satu kelas 30 orang so 60 orang sekuliah. 

Satu lagi, kelas yang kecik sikit, muat untuk 30 orang. Kelas ini digunakan untuk kelas tutorial, kelas korang akan bincang tutorial (homeworks) yang korang buat untuk dibincangkan dengan lecturer. Seriously, buat tau tutorial. Jangan malas. (Aku dulu tak buat gak. Menyesal result teruk.)

Yang penting, semua kelas ada aircon! Kalau korang malang, membeku lah korang dalam tu. HAHAHA. Seriously, elok kalau korang bawak sweater. Mana tau dapat kelas yang sejuk gila. Kadang2 time aircon rosak, habisla korang. HAHAHA.

Next, lab! Lab is fun. Especially kalau lab group members korang pun best and tak pemalas. Seriously though, kerja lab ni la korang akan tengok siapa yang pemalas, siapa yang rajin. Sebelum lab (untuk Biology and Chemistry), korang kena buat jotter. Physics tak payah jotter, best kan. Jotter is ringkasan yang korang ringkaskan sendiri daripada procedures dalam Lab Manual. (Korang akan beli lab manual tu nanti). Dalam lab manual tu ada procedures, bahan2 experiment tu, untuk semua experiment, and tempat untuk korang catat data. Dalam lab manual tu jugak ada page yang korang kena siapkan and koyakkan and hantar kat lecturer sebelum deadline, kita panggil benda tu LAB REPORT. Lab report tu ada soalan2 yang korang kena siapkan berdasarkan experiment yang korang buat. Benda ni buat group. Biasanya satu group, satu lab report. Means kalau 6 orang satu group, salah seorang akan tulis jawapan2 tu lepas bincang and koyak daripada buku dia. Gilir2 laa hantar lab report, jangan orang sama je yang tulis. Unfair. Please cooperate. Bagi kerjasama. Markah lab report korang nanti masuk carry marks tau. So, buat betul2.

Etika di lab, (lab kat blok Etika), lol ok don't mind me. OK etika kat lab, wajib pakai kasut bertutup and wajb pakai lab coat. Korang akan beli lab coat tu nanti. Tak wajib beli kalau dah ada (kakak or abang punya ke). Tak kisah kalau lab coat tu ada logo universiti lain pun.

Next, quiz! Quiz ni depends on lecturer korang. Kadang2, quiz akan selaras means kalau korang dengar kelas lain ada quiz, korang bersedialah. Soalan akan sama biasanya. But ada banyak set. So korang and kawan korang mungkin tak sama soalan. But don't worry, biasanya lecturer akan bagitahu dulu kalau dia nak buat quiz. Contohnya, kalau dia nak buat quiz minggu depan, minggu ni dia akan bagitahu. Quiz ni sikit je. Biasanya setengah jam or 40 minit. Korang akan buat quiz ni dalam kelas tutorial. Quiz pun akan masuk carry marks tau! Quiz chem kitorang ada dua je sepanjang sem (kalau tak silap laa), quiz fizik pun berapa ntah. TAPI, quiz bio akan ada untuk setiap chapter. Means that, habis je satu chapter kat kuliah, get ready untuk quiz kat kelas tutorial.

Next, tests! Korang akan ada dua tests (untuk budak Sains and Engineering. tak sure untuk Tesl and Law). Test ni akan cover up sampai mana yang korang dah belajar. Level of difficulty: medium. Quiz tu easy. HAHAHA. Test kena buat elok2! Jangan main2. Sebab dia punya portion dalam carry marks pun agak tinggi, kalau korang jatuh kecundang result test, kena struggle hard untuk final sebab carrymarks korang pun akan jatuh kalau result tests jatuh. 

Carrymarks ni adalah total markah quiz, assignments, lab (lab report, attitude, jotter) and tests. Rasanya percentage markah test untuk maths akan tinggi sikit sebab maths kan takde lab. Markah lab biasanya 14-19 per 20. So, untuk lab korang kena aim 17-19. 16 pun dah ok kot. Quiz jangan down kalau teruk. Percentage dia tak besar sangan. Assignment biasanya dalam group so semua members dalam satu group akan dapat markah sama untuk assignment. Buat betul2! Tests adalah sangat penting. Usaha untuk dapatkan markah setinggi yang boleh. Nak selamat kalau korang nak aim A, carrymarks kena 40 dan keatas. 30 adalah di paras bahaya. Carrymarks adalah 50% and final exam 50%.

Kehidupan di kolej / dorm / asrama?

Kolej korang macam apartment. Ada banyak rumah2. Setiap rumah ada bilik air. Tak macam asrama sekolah dulu yang ada bilik air kat luar. Best kan? Satu rumah ada tiga bilik, satu bilik dua orang so serumah 6 orang. Meja kat luar bilik, disusun panjang so senangla korang nak study kalau nak tanya housemate apa2 yang korang tak paham. (But seriously, cooperate. Kalau dah nampak kawan tu tengah study, jangan la bising. Kesian.) Kat rumah korang akan jumpa macam2 jenis manusia. Yang pemalas, yang rajin, yang bising gila, yang antisocial. Dalam bilik hanya akan ada katil dan locker. Lantai simen so bawak tikar! Tak kisah tikar getah ke ke apa. Yang bawak karpet pun ada. Kalau rasa selipar dalam rumah tu perlu, maka bawaklah. Sebab kadang2 ada yang letak tikar dalam bilik je. So, ruang kat meja belajar tu simen je tak ada lapik so perlu la kan selipar dalam rumah? Unless kalau korang tak kisah berjalan barefoot atas simen. Bilik air ada dua, so dua orang boleh mandi dalam satu masa. Jamban lain2, satu jamban cangkung, satu lagi jamban duduk.

Rumah korang akan start kan tingkat 2 dan keatas. So bawah sekali akan ada rumah felo a.k.a warden. Felo ni adalah lecturer2 yang akan in charge untuk jaga korang sepanjang di kolej. So kalau ada apa2 masalah, jumpa or call felo yang bertugas ok.

Ok but seriously malam2 jangan nak menjerit tak tentu pasal. Kawal diri. Kalau jadi apa2 macam mana? Bukan nak cakap tempat ni keras ke apa tapi biasala kat mana2 pun kalau menjerit tengah malam memang tak elok kan? Behave. Alhamdulillah sepanjang aku stay kat UiTM Dengkil ni, tak pernah jumpa apa2 menakutkan. Tak pernah nampak apa2 or kena apa2. Tapi ada la cerita orang lain yang kena tapi tak ramai. So conclusion, tempat ni tak la keras sangat. Just biasa. :)

Ok cukup sampai sini je kot sneak peak on foundation life. Any questions? Comment below. :)



Goodbye UiTM Dengkil!

02:28 Ramyuan 1 Comments

So I spent like approximately four months here, (December, January, February, March and 8 days in April. The whole 8 days in April was final exam though.). First impression was mixed. There are pros and cons. Well, same goes to anywhere else too.

I spent only in my second semester here since I spent the first semester in UiTM Puncak Alam (Palam). I guess I can skip my story in Palam since the main point here is UiTM Dengkil right? Hehe. So since we called ourselves the kid of Asasi Palam in Puncak Alam, in here, we called ourselves the kid of AsiD. (Asasi Dengkil)

My batch was the first batch here so in the first few months, there were a lot of lackings here. The upstairs side of Anjung Dengkil was empty. No shops were opened yet that time. (Fyi, Anjung Dengkil is the centre of food and main supplies of our livings in here. HAHAHA.) There are two marts where you can get snacks and drinks, or any household(?) supplies, like pails, detergent, shower cream, toothpaste, etc. There are also stationary and printing shops where you can get your studying stuffs (pencils, pens, erasers?) and print or photocopy stuffs (like lecture notes).

By the way, printing lecture notes is optional. The lecturer won't scold you if you attend the class without the notes. But it's your own disadvantages that you can't note down important notes told by the lecturer in the class. I mean, you can still jot them down in a blank foolscap or A4 paper or your notebook but you'd have to note down everything or you will forget what is it about right? (Like what subtopic it is in or the chapter). And printing lecture notes may come in handy when you have to study for quizzes, tests or exam. You can get them in iLearn. (You'll know about it later.) And don't worry, usually you guys will appoint someone to be the class representative to help to print the notes for the whole class for every subject.

Upstairs, there is also a bakery shop where you can get yummy breads, donuts, cakes or anything bakery. Beside the bakery, there's a Koolblog where you can get ice blended or just, iced drinks. (There's waffle sold there too.) It's not bad. At least it can satisfy your cravings on ice blended. The price is standard.

This is the view from the field between the buildings where classes are held.
The upstairs of Anjung Dengkil.

That one with green thing is the Koolblog.
Downstairs of Anjung Dengkil. There are a lot of tables and chairs where you can eat, don't worry.

If you plan to save money, don't go to the mart. The satans will be all around you asking you to buy everything. I usually spent up to RM7 - RM10 there it's insane. Ok kidding about the "don't go to the mart" part.

NEXT, let's talk about the classes. I'm not sure about TESL, Law or Engineering kids since I am a Science kid. There are three buildings. The nearest to the girls' dormitory blocks is Dinamik. Next, Etika which connects Dinamik and the last building, Progresif. Progresif is the nearest to the boys' dormitory. All the three buildings are connected with a bridge at the second level. Dinamik is also connected to the Bangunan Pentadbiran at the second level where the lecturers rooms are located. All business regarding foundation studies also located there.

For Science students, you'll use all the three buildings. Laboratories will be in Etika. However, as I asked my friend from Law course, they only used one building (I forgot which one). Things may change when it's your time to be here or not.

From Dahlia (the girls dormitory), it may take up to 5-10 minutes to reach your classes if you speedwalk. (Seriously, don't walk like the tortoise. Increase the speed of your walk to increase your IQ.) If I have any classes at 8:30AM, I'd leave my room at 8:15. Attend the class early! It's the manner. It's not nice to walk in when the lecturer is already in the class isn't it?

Ask the boys if it's from Tualang (the boys dormitory). I'm not sure how many minutes would it take since Tualang since as what I saw, Tualang is kinda far away from the buildings.

This is the Dinamik building.

This one is Etika.

This is Progresif.
This is Bangunan Pentadbiran. It's a very beautiful building.
Next, the dormitories! The arrangement is bad, I should've told about the dormitories as first of all right?

The girls dormitories are called Dahlia. There are three Dahlia buildings. Dahlia 1 is the furthest back there, the Science and Engineering kid stay there (if I'm not mistaken). HELP I actually don't know where did the Engineering girls stay. Dahlia 2 is in the middle in between Dahlia 1 and Dahlia 3. Dahlia 2 is filled with Law, Tesl and some of Science students. The last one which got to view the Bangunan Pentadbiran and Pusat Islam from the room is Dahlia 3. I was lucky to get to stay at the most end of the building, the nearest to Bangunan Pentadbiran. At night, I got to see the building and the view of a part of Anjung Dengkil through my window. (Not to forget, the Pusat Kesihatan too). Fyi, Dahlia 2 is the largest building out of the three Dahlia buildings. It's really long. Almost (or actually) two times longer than Dahlia 3.

View of Dahlia 3 (right) and Dahlia 2 (left) from Anjung Dengkil.

The view of Tualang from only God knows where. Lmao jk.
ALERT! Girls can't step in to the boys dormitory buildings area and vice versa or the Polis Bantuan will come after you. The rules are pretty strict just like those asrama in boarding school. The life in Palam wasn't like this though. There was much more freedom on this case. But guess what, it's good that they make it this way.

Sorry boys that I can't tell more about Tualang, I know nothing.

NEXT, let's see Pusat Islam. This is the main surau of the campus. I can't tell much since I didn't really go there. Wow. I've only been there twice. Bad me. Don't follow my footsteps. As I can see, many boys went there for maghrib and isya'. Alhamdulillah. Boys, please rajin rajinkan diri kesana ya. Yes there's solat jemaah and sometimes even ceramah (or is it every night?). My bad. We just call it PI sometimes.

View of Pusat Islam from...Bangunan Pentadbiran I guess?
NEXT, PTAR! Fyi, PTAR stands for Perpustakaan Tun Abdul Razak. It's universal. Lol. All UiTM got the PTAR. PTAR is the library. During my time here, there wasn't really any books. Most shelves are empty. But at the lowest ground, there are some reference books for you to study. There's also a room where there's many computers you can use to access the internet. Just in case if you can't connect to the wifi anywhere else. I'm not sure if they will add a lot of books later. Sorry I can't provide any photos of the PTAR. I can't really find any decent photo of it. By the way, PTAR is connected to Progresif building and there's a Bilik Study 24 Jam where you can have group discussion there or do your group assignment or study there. (Seriously, you can't even study there it's really noisy! Unless if you can cope with the noise and concentrate with your studies.) But yea the noise won't be a problem for you guys to have group discussions. It's opened until the night. PTAR is closed until 4:15PM only if I'm not mistaken. Ah how I wish they'd close it somewhere later than that. And it's opened from Monday to Saturday. Means you can't go there on Sunday!

NEXT, the Pusat Kesihatan. This is where you will go if you're sick. If you need MC, then come here and get it. We just simply call it PK sometimes. I haven't really met the doctors since I never got sick there. Wow at me. But I did come in there once, accompanying my friend.

Pusat Kesihatan

Enough with exploring the campus. Wanna know any hints on how is the life as a UiTM foundation student? I don't think there's much difference with the foundation kids from other university but let me tell you what I've gone through.

However, this thread is long enough. Let's move to other thread. Click HERE!

P.s: Thanks for dropping by! Feel free to leave comments if you have any questions. I'll  be happy to answer.




11:45 Ramyuan 0 Comments

So hello guys, this is my very first post here. This is not my first time being a blogger. I actually own a tumblr account but it's pretty much inactive and full of reblogs of my fav pictures. So I don't have to share it I guess? And I own a blogspot before, many years ago when I was such a fetus, Not literally a fetus but yea you get me. In this blog, I will write about my life journey and experiences, who knows it might help to guide you in your life too? And some short stories or oneshot that I MIGHT be writing since I like to write a lot but only the ideas is the problem. My brain is kinda rusty.AND I will post my products review. Not that I use a lot of products but yea just...sharing? This section might be the most dusty out of all.
